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Hermeneutic and Proairetic codes are two guidelines that every film needs to follow. Hermeneutic codes are something that is unexplained in a film, this is used to make the audience question what is happening and why, this is also known as a narrative enigma. Hermeneutic codes are most frequent at the beginning of a film because they can shape and outline the rest of the film, this is important because it makes the audience question the same thing over and over from the beginning of the film until they eventually find out. Proairetic codes are normally a plot action that holds no real significance, it normally acts as a middle ground between a previous event and a future event e.g. A man walking down the street. Although not as dramatically significant as Hermeneutic codes, Proairetic codes still have a job to do and can be important to the audience understanding whats happening in front of them.

To give a example of Hermeneutic and Proairetic codes I will be writing about the opening sequence to the 2009 British crime Film 'Dead Man Running', it was directed by Alex De Rakoff and produced by Rio Ferdinand and Ashley Cole.

The opening sequence of the film shows a character entering a Rolls Royce after getting of a flight, this is then followed by a establishing shot of Central London at night, as all of this is happening we see the credits are accompanied by translucent graphics of money watermarks that cover certain parts of the screen, this gives a suggestion that thew film is money based. As the Rolls Royce travels through Piccadilly Circus we see the character inside reading a copy of 'the Economist'. This can be considered a example of a Proairetic code, it doesn't really raise any questions but it shows information that allows the audience to start forming a opinion of this character.

The car pulls up by a club and the main character played by 50 Cent enters the club accompanied by his entourage, establishing shots of the club are used to show the wealth within it e.g. Champagne, cigars, strippers etc. 50 Cent then approaches a door guarded by two bouncers, this provides one of the first Hermeneutic codes because the audience questions as to who is inside due to the security outside. 50 enters the office and is greeted by another man. 50 then sits at the other mans desk connoting a sense of authority, when questioned how his flight was he doesn't reply, this is another Hermeneutic code because you want to know why 50 has flied to London, and also from his lack of response you feel he is not happy about the matter.

Just from looking at the opening two minutes of this film we are given one main plot device that is presented in the form of a Hermeneutic code and this is accompanied by a Proairetic code.  This illustrates how important these codes are to a film because they really indicated and guide where the film is going.
So as much as I love doing this media blog I have been doing other things during Easter that have seemed to distract me from updating this amazing page, including football, work and various other things. Sadly this also included my Laptop breaking for a while and Old Windsor's internet going down for about four days due to some mug who cut all the wires to the village. So anyway below is a few pics that I took including the new PC that has replaced the broken laptop!

Anyway, back to the serious buisness of Flatline Pictures and our film!

We finished the editing of our film before Easter (not including sound) and uploaded it on YouTube;

So most of the video editing is done but we hope to get the video sound edited so we can take down the traffic sounds within the video. We also have someone working on a sountrack to accompany it which will hopefully be with us very soon. Once the sound is tweaked and the soundtrack added we have to add titles in LiveType and then we should be finished!

Anyway, hope this update was helpful even if a bit overdue.

